Designed with lots of love by my lovely sister in law.....she spent ages doing this :-)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Craft Club

Had a lovely day yesterday at Redditch Craft Club

The girls are so friendly which makes for a fun, relaxing day.

Yesterday I was doing the monthly project, an altered shoe. 

I started it but then decided I didn't have enough product to complete it so, that's been put on the back burner for a couple of weeks until I can get into town and have a browse for some bits and pieces.

Luckily Id decided to take 2 of my WIPs with me.  Both of which I finished, yay! go me!

However, my camera has died a little death last night, so Ive only got one picture from my phone of one project.

Its was taken (Sept 2011) when Id started it and was just getting placement ideas for the flowers etc.

It is NOT clean and simple, I lied in my last post, on occasion I do something like this but it IS very rare and in my my defence Id forgotten I had this on the go as it was hidden away.

I took inspiration from a couple of Gabrielles older layouts (poor girl is going to think Ive been stalking her lol), I looked closely at a few techniques and applied them to this.

Ive now completed it and added some pearls and swirls under the flowers and put it IN the box frame.

It is for my Auntie and Uncle who celebrated their golden wedding last year, its only a year late haha.

Now I have to work out how to get it to them safely as they live daan saaf!

Its times like these when Bazzill cardstock boxes could come in handy!

ttfn x

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