Designed with lots of love by my lovely sister in law.....she spent ages doing this :-)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So Tired.....

since we got back from Melton, cant seem to get motivated to do anything much. Have so much to do too.

The chicks are having their very own cyber crop and I have nothing prepared, have 9 address cards to do for the swop plus stash to get prepared. Lorna has created us our own little forum just for the CC. Still havent managed to master that yet either LOL.

Had a lovely email from Lorna this morning with pics from the weekend, so I want to try and print those off and come up with a few pages. I also need to sort my really seems to have accumulated lately, what with subbing to kits etc. Im sure half the stuff wont get used. Maybe its time to have another sale. Already sold some of my books I didnt like that much/havent touched since I got them.

Maybe if I spent less time on the computer I might get more done, hmmm now theres a thought.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I hear you sister. I often think I would have double the amount of albums full of gorgeous (well...adequate - LOL!) scrapping if I didn't sit and stare at this computer so much!!!
