Designed with lots of love by my lovely sister in law.....she spent ages doing this :-)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Can you believe it.......

Despite spending hours in my craft room I have nothing crafty finished.

After hours of sorting and purging, I started my bag, then had an idea for something else and started on that LOL

I will get it done though, hopefully this weekend.

I'm also trying to sort out my photos, I have tonnes saved on to my computer which need backing up.  I'm thinking now that I should start having them printed rather than print them myself, it could possibly be cheaper in the long run.....have you seen the cost of ink lately!

Just have to have a look around and see whats on offer...if anyone knows of any let me know, thanks :)

So today I'll leave you with a challenge, not mine I hasten to add but from The Cupboard Trilogy blog

A colour palette challenge:

The rule for this challenge is to use a minimum of 3 of the colours from the palette shown, use more if you wish & of coarse the addition of black & white is allowed!

Here's the palette 

If you take part there's the chance to win a lovely kit from Sarahs Cards.

For more info, pop on over to the blog and take a look....

Ttfn xox


  1. Know the feeling of spending hours in the craft room and coming up with nothing! As for printing your photos ... I chose a printer (canon MP560 wifi with scanner) on the basis of the price of inks ... I always use compatibles which are cheap and have never had a problem .. lets face it ... you can buy a new printer (with inks) for the price of a few real inks! Why don't the manufactures wise up?

    Have a great day!

  2. Thanks for promoting The Cupboard Trilogy Jak ;)
    Jane x
